Part I
Name | Schema |
Date optional | string (date-time) |
Value optional | number (double) |
Name | Schema |
Data optional | string |
Name optional | string |
Type optional | string |
Name | Schema |
Securities optional | < SecuritySignature > array |
SecuritiesHistorySettings optional |
Name | Schema |
IndicatorsHistory optional | < < IndicatorHistoryMapModel > array > array |
SecurityHistory optional | < < TimeSeriesValueCandleMapModel > array > array |
SupportResistanceHistory optional |
Name | Schema |
IndicatorsHistorySettings optional | < IndicatorHistoryRequestSettings > array |
Security optional | |
SecurityHistorySettings optional |
Name | Description | Schema |
ClientId optional | Client order id. | string |
Exchange optional | Desired exchange. | string |
ExecInst optional | Execution instruction. | enum (DoNotIncrease, DoNotReduce, AllOrNone) |
ExecutionInstructions optional | Algo order execution instructions. | < string, string > map |
ExpireDate optional | Expire date. Assigned by client. | string (date-time) |
ExtendedHours optional | indicates the extended trading session for GTX order execution (pre-market session, post-market session) if empty - than there is no specific requirement for extended session | string |
Legs optional | Order legs | < CreateOrderResource > array |
Price optional | Price (not used for some order types). | number (double) |
Quantity optional | Quantity. Assigned by client.
Minimum value : | number (double) |
Side optional | Client side comments. | enum (Buy, Sell, SellShort, BuyToCover) |
StopPrice optional | Stop price (used for stop orders). | number (double) |
Symbol optional | Security symbol. | string |
TimeInforce optional | Time in force. | enum (Day, GoodTillCancel, AtTheOpening, ImmediateOrCancel, FillOrKill, GoodTillCrossing, GoodTillDate, GoodTillTime) |
Token optional | Additional identity key (usid in market scanner). | string |
TrailingLimitAmount optional | number (double) | |
TrailingLimitAmountType optional | enum (Absolute, Persentage) | |
TrailingStopAmount optional | number (double) | |
TrailingStopAmountType optional | enum (Absolute, Persentage) | |
Type optional | Type. Assigned by client. | enum (Market, Limit, Stop, StopLimit, Pegged, TrailingStop, TrailingStopLimit, OneCancelOther, OneTriggerOther, OneTriggerOneCancelOther, External) |
ValidationsToBypass optional | Flag property indicating validation rules to bypass | integer (int32) |
Name | Schema |
Name optional | string |
Securities optional | < integer (int32) > array |
Name | Schema |
Percent optional | number (double) |
Value optional | number (double) |
Name | Schema |
ActionId optional | integer (int32) |
Description optional | string |
KeyboardShortcut optional | string |
Parameters optional | < HotkeyParameterMapModel > array |
Name | Schema |
AddedDate optional | string (date-time) |
AllowMargin optional | boolean |
AllowShort optional | boolean |
AllowTrade optional | boolean |
Currency optional | string |
Description optional | string |
Enabled optional | boolean |
Exchange optional | string |
Id optional | integer (int32) |
ModifyDate optional | string (date-time) |
Precision optional | integer (int32) |
Symbol optional | string |
TickSize optional | number (double) |
Type optional | enum (BankersAcceptance, CertificateOfDeposit, CollateralizeMortgageObligation, CorporateBond, CommercialPaper, CorporatePrivatePlacement, CommonStock, FederalHousingAuthority, FederalHomeLoan, FederalNationalMortgageAssociation, ForeignExchangeContract, Future, GovernmentNationalMortgageAssociation, TreasuriesPlusAgencyDebenture, MutualFund, MortgageInterestOnly, MortgagePrincipleOnly, MortgagePrivatePlacement, MiscellaneousPassThru, MunicipalBond, NoIsitcSecurityType, Option, PreferredStock, RepurchaseAgreement, ReverseRepurchaseAgreement, StudentLoanMarketingAssociation, TimeDeposit, UsTreasuryBill, Warrant, CatsTigersLions, WildcardEntry, ConvertibleBond, MortgageIoette, Index, FakeStockForNonStandartOption, Right, Cryptocurrency, ETF, DepositoryReceipt, CoveredWarrant, Unit) |
VolumePrecision optional | integer (int32) |
Name | Schema |
Reason optional | string |
State optional read-only | string |
Step optional | string |
Token optional | string |
Name | Schema |
Reason optional | string |
State optional read-only | string |
Step optional | string |
Name | Schema |
CommissionId optional | string |
Id optional | integer (int32) |
Leverage optional | number (double) |
Seizure optional | enum (Placement, Execution, Fill, Proportional, Order) |
Value optional | number (double) |
ValueType optional | enum (Absolute, Coefficient) |
Formula model
Name | Schema |
Expression optional | string |
Id optional | integer (int32) |
Name optional | string |
Name | Schema |
Description optional | string |
Name optional | string |
TargetPercent optional | number (double) |
Tolerance optional | number (double) |
Name | Schema |
DefaultFileName optional | string |
Indicators optional | < HistoricalTradeDataExportIndicatorModel > array |
Securities optional | < integer (int32) > array |
TimeFrame optional |
Name | Schema |
Args optional | < object > array |
Name optional | string |
Text optional | string |
Type optional | string |
Name | Schema |
ActionId optional | integer (int32) |
ActionName optional | string |
ActionResource optional | |
Description optional | string |
Id optional | integer (int32) |
KeyboardShortcut optional | string |
Parameters optional | < HotkeyParameterMapModel > array |
Name | Schema |
HotkeyId optional | integer (int32) |
Id optional | integer (int32) |
ParameterId optional | integer (int32) |
ParameterName optional | string |
ParameterType optional | integer (int32) |
Value optional | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
Data optional | Pattern : `"^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==\ | [A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?$"` |
Description optional | string | |
FileKey optional | string | |
FileName optional | string | |
Id optional | integer (int32) | |
Timestamp optional | string (date-time) | |
Type optional | enum (Other, ImageJpeg, ImageGif, ImagePng, ImageBitmap, ImageIco, TextHtml, TextPlain, VideoMpeg, VideoQuicktime) |
Name | Schema |
AddedDate optional read-only | string (date-time) |
AllowMargin optional read-only | boolean |
AllowShort optional read-only | boolean |
AllowTrade optional read-only | boolean |
BaseCurrency optional read-only | string |
CmsSuffix optional read-only | string |
ContractSize optional read-only | number (double) |
CqsSuffix optional read-only | string |
Currency optional read-only | string |
Cusip optional read-only | string |
Description optional read-only | string |
Enabled optional read-only | boolean |
Exchange optional read-only | string |
ExpirationDate optional read-only | string (date-time) |
ExpirationName optional read-only | string |
ExpirationType optional read-only | enum (Regular, Quarterly, Weekly, Flex, Undefined, Mini, NonStandard) |
Id optional read-only | integer (int32) |
Industry optional read-only | string |
Isin optional read-only | string |
Leverage optional read-only | number (double) |
MarginRate optional read-only | number (double) |
ModifyDate optional read-only | string (date-time) |
Name optional read-only | string |
NasdaqSuffix optional read-only | string |
OptionType optional read-only | enum (Call, Put, Undefined) |
ParentId optional read-only | integer (int32) |
Precision optional read-only | integer (int32) |
Price optional read-only | number (double) |
QuoteSubscriptionKey optional read-only | string |
Sector optional read-only | string |
Sedol optional read-only | string |
SeriesId optional read-only | integer (int32) |
Source optional read-only | integer (int32) |
SourceId optional read-only | string |
StrikePrice optional read-only | number (double) |
Suffix optional read-only | string |
Symbol optional read-only | string |
TickSize optional read-only | number (double) |
Type optional read-only | enum (BankersAcceptance, CertificateOfDeposit, CollateralizeMortgageObligation, CorporateBond, CommercialPaper, CorporatePrivatePlacement, CommonStock, FederalHousingAuthority, FederalHomeLoan, FederalNationalMortgageAssociation, ForeignExchangeContract, Future, GovernmentNationalMortgageAssociation, TreasuriesPlusAgencyDebenture, MutualFund, MortgageInterestOnly, MortgagePrincipleOnly, MortgagePrivatePlacement, MiscellaneousPassThru, MunicipalBond, NoIsitcSecurityType, Option, PreferredStock, RepurchaseAgreement, ReverseRepurchaseAgreement, StudentLoanMarketingAssociation, TimeDeposit, UsTreasuryBill, Warrant, CatsTigersLions, WildcardEntry, ConvertibleBond, MortgageIoette, Index, FakeStockForNonStandartOption, Right, Cryptocurrency, ETF, DepositoryReceipt, CoveredWarrant, Unit) |
UnderlyingSecuritySymbol optional read-only | string |
Unit optional read-only | string |
VolumePrecision optional read-only | integer (int32) |
Name | Schema |
Date optional | integer (int32) |
Values optional | < number (double) > array |
Name | Schema |
CandlesCount optional | integer (int32) |
EndDate optional | integer (int32) |
IncludeNonMarketData optional | boolean |
Interval optional | integer (int32) |
Offset optional | integer (int32) |
Period optional | string |
Signature optional | string |
StartDate optional | integer (int32) |
Name | Schema |
BottomPrice optional | number (double) |
GreenCandles optional | < integer (int32) > array |
RedCandles optional | < integer (int32) > array |
TopPrice optional | number (double) |
Modify order parameters
Name | Description | Schema |
ClientId optional | Client order id. | string |
ExecutionInstructions optional | Algo order execution instructions. | < string, string > map |
ExpireDate optional | Expire date. Assigned by client. | string (date-time) |
Id required | Internal order id.
Minimum value : | integer (int32) |
Legs optional | Order legs | < ModifyOrderResource > array |
Price optional | Price (not used for some order types). | number (double) |
Quantity optional | Quantity. Assigned by client.
Minimum value : | number (double) |
StopPrice optional | Stop price (used for stop orders). | number (double) |
TrailingLimitAmount optional | number (double) | |
TrailingLimitAmountType optional | enum (Absolute, Persentage) | |
TrailingStopAmount optional | number (double) | |
TrailingStopAmountType optional | enum (Absolute, Persentage) | |
ValidationsToBypass optional | Flag property indicating validation rules to bypass | integer (int32) |
Last updated