Get User's Trading Settings
Retrieve default trading settings of a specific user
This GET endpoint enables you to request a user's default trading
settings by providing their unique identifier in the header. In response, you'll receive a JSON file with the user's information.
There are four required parameters that must be provided in the request:
Authorization (header). This is the authorization token from the very first token request. The value of this header must have the following format:
Bearer BQ898r9fefi
+ 1 space + the token).userID (path). This is the internal ID of the user whose settings you'd like to retrieve. If you're sending the request on behalf of the user whose authorization token is used to perform the request, set this parameter to
.API version (path). Unless necessary, leave it at "1.0".
The user information request must be sent to the following URL:
In response, you'll receive a JSON file containing the default trading settings of this user:
Common Mistakes
Here are some of the common mistakes that developers make when requesting a user's trading settings:
Specifying ID of a Non-Existent User
If you specify the ID of a non-existent user, you'll get the following error:
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