Get User's Price Alerts
List all price alerts of a particular user
This GET endpoint enables you to retrieve the list of a user's price alerts. Price alerts are essentially notifications that are sent to the user when the alert's conditions are satisfied by the market. For example, a user may have a price alert that will notify them when the price of the Apple stock exceeds $200.
There are eight required parameters that must be provided in the request:
Authorization (header). This is the authorization token from the very first token request. The value of this header must have the following format:
Bearer BQ898r9fefi
+ 1 space + the token).API version (path). Unless necessary, leave it at "1.0".
userID (path). This is the ID of the user whose particular watchlist needs to be have one security removed.
pageSize (query). This field indicates the number of price alerts that needs to be retrieved per page.
pageNumber (query). This field indicates the number of the page that needs to be retrieved (all price alerts are split into a set of pages that can be loaded one by one).
sortBy (query). This is the field by which the retrieved alerts should be sorted. For example, if you the value of this parameter is set to State, the retrieved alerts will be sorted by their state.
isDesc (query). This field indicates if the list of retrieved price alerts should be sorted in the descending (true) or ascending (false) order.
Here's the final template for this API request:
In response to this API request, you'll receive a JSON file with the list of the user's price alerts.
Parameter | Description |
Id | This is the internal identifier of the price alert. |
State | This is the state of the price alert. Possible values: New, Expired, Completed, Stopped. |
CreatedDate | This is the date on which the price alert was created (in ticks). |
Operator | This is the condition of the price alert. Possible values: GTEQ (greater or equal to), LTEQ (less than or equal to). |
SecurityId | This is the ID of the security for which the price alert is configured. |
Symbol | This is the ticker symbol of the security for which the price alert is configured. |
Field | This is the referent price for the price alert. Possible values: Ask, Bid, Last. |
Argument | This is the price point at which the price alert will be triggered and the user will be notified. |
ExpirationDate | This is the expiration date of the price alert (in ticks). |
Common Mistakes
Here are some of the common mistakes that developers make when attempting to retrieve the list of a user's price alerts.
Failing to Specify the Query Parameters
It's crucial to understand that the pageSize, pageNumber, isDesc, and sortBy parameters must be provided in the request; otherwise you'll receive the 404 status code and the following message:
The following article covers the syntax for this API request in detail.
Last updated