Delete Watchlist

Delete an existing watchlist


This DELETE endpoint enables you to delete a specific watchlist of the user whose id is provided in the request's path.

There are five required parameters that must be provided in the request:

  1. Et-App-Key (header). This is the unique key of your app that identifies your app when communicating with our service. Contact your administrator to get this key.

  2. Authorization (header). This is the authorization token from the very first token request. The value of this header must have the following format: Bearer BQ898r9fefi (Bearer + 1 space + the token).

  3. API version (path). Unless necessary, leave it at "1.0".

  4. userID (path). This is the ID of the user whose particular watchlist needs to be deleted.

  5. watchlistID (path). This is the internal identifier of the watchlist that needs to be deleted.

Here's the final template for this API request:

DELETE apiURL/v1.0/users/{userID}/watchlists/{watchlistID}


This API request does not return any messages from the server. In case of successful deletion, the status code of the request should be 204.

Common Mistakes

Here are some of the common mistakes that developers make when attempting to delete a specific watchlist.

    "error": "Application key is not defined or does not exist"

The following article covers the syntax for this API request in detail.

Last updated